Serving Our World with your help, can make a lasting and monumental difference. The projects that we are working on will involve building schools, day centers, homes, clinics and much more. We need you to accomplish this and there are no donations too small.

- Asha for Education An action group for basic education in India.
- Abasar An information website in Bengali. Abasar is a unit of a non-profit organization, Teachers' Medicare Benevolent Fund, Kolkata, India.
The Akshaya Patra Foundation The foundation is today the largest in India and one of the largest in the world. We serve nutritious meals to underprivileged children to encourage them to go to school. We have been successful to quite an extent to decrease dropout rates in schools, increase attendance and performance and as a whole change the lives of children.
- Arya Samaj Gandhidham Working for Orphans, children and widows. The trust is working for children who became orphans and widows during the devastating earthquake of 26-1-2001 in Gujarat (India).
- Arpan Foundation A Non Profit organization, based in Los Angeles. Arpan's mission is to serve humanity by supporting institutions that work at the grass root levels and to distribute 100% of the collected funds.
- Association for India's Development (AID) Is a non-profit organization that supports a wide variety of social development projects, towards an improved life for the poor and underprivileged, in India.
- Ashrama Shravana: To put a smile on every aging face The home has about 50 inmates presenly. Apart from Helpage (India) they are sponsored by donors and charitable organizations.Another area of activity is helping aged citizens who have no means of support. Ph (India) 91-884-372551
- Ashram : Based in Florida, USA, Supports humanitarian and charitable activities, including: Basic education of orphans and poor children, Providing primary health care for poor, orphans, disable and old people. Rehabilitating widows by providing skill and education to them and counseling battered and abused women and children.
- Blind Foundation for India (BFI) Was established in 1989 as a not-for-profit, 501 (c)(3) organization in Illinois. The charter of BFI is to prevent and cure blindness and to educate and rehabilitate permanently blind individuals in India. Article: The volunteers of the Blind Foundation of India - This Illinois-based organization began with a chance meeting with the founder of the National Association of the Blind in India, Dr. Rajendra Vyas and Dr. Manu Vora.
- Center for Old in Need (COiN) - A non-profit, non-racial, non-political and non-religious organization dedicated to health promotion, health maintenance and disease prevention among the elderly population. It is registered with the Govt. of West Bengal, India. COiN works closely with existing health and community organizations to monitor health, detect and investigate health problems of the elderly, raise public health awareness, and develop and advocate sound public health policies. Contact: Dr. Somalee Datta at,
- Charitable Care Foundation Formed to channel aid to the needy in India.
- CRY - Child Rights And You America Inc. is a 501c3 non profit organization driven by its vision of a just world in which every child has an equal opportunity to develop to his or her full potential. For more information about CRY America, please visit website or write to P.O. Box 850948, Braintree, MA 02185-0948, Tel: 339 235 0792. CRY in India
Children Walking Tall - Charity Helping Street Children and Slum Children in Goa, India. (Registered in the UK as a Charity and in India as a Trust.) - Daya - A non-profit organization based in Houston, Texas. DAYA aims to promote healthy and harmonious family relationships in the South-Asian community by increasing awareness and providing peer support, information and referrals to women and children who are in crisis yet attempting to effect positive changes in their lives.
- Dean Foundation - A Medical Charitable Foundation caring for the terminally ill and dying patients for the past 10 ½ years, irrespective of economic and religious background. They have taken care of 1435 terminally ill patients of which 1122 have been Cancer patients. They currently have 89 adults and children under their care.
- Dr. Shroff's Charity Eye Hospital Based in New Delhi, is committed to giving sight back to the people of India.
- Deepalaya In India we have been working for last 20 years. At present we are catering to 22000 children and their families from 62 slum locations of Delhi and 5 villages of Haryana.

Ekal Vidyalaya - Ekalvidyalaya is a people's movement to educate the tribal children in India. Right now it runs over 14,000 schools in tribal areas in India educating around half a million tribal children. A dollar a day goes a long way, $365 to sponsor a school for one year.
- Forgotten Children Educational and micro-credit projects in Tamil Nadu. 90% of donation goes to support directly the projects.
- GIVE - GIVE is a not for profit company that promotes the culture of 'giving' by encouraging individuals to donate to causes of their choice in a convenient manner- through the website.
Give Foundation is owned and operated by Give Foundation, Inc. which is a US based non-religious and non-political, 501(c)(3) registered non-profit organization. All donations to GIVE Foundation, Inc are tax-exempt in the US.
HelpAgeIndia Working for the last two decades in the care & cause of the less privileged elderly in India - Since its inception in June 1994 as a tax-exempt and not-for-profit organization, the HELP Foundation has steadfastly focused on its mission to ameliorate the plight of orphaned and destitute children in India. HELP funds support of children placed in homes run by charitable missions such as Chinmaya Mission (Andhra Pradesh), Sarada Niketan (Orissa), Sarada Sakthi Peetham (Tamilnadu) and Balgram Samparc (Maharashtra). The Foundation?s model of operation, based on utilizing existing and well-established institutions to deliver service and earmarking the entire amount of the donors? contributions to aiding the children, has proved very effective. Besides food, shelter, dignity and security available in a home, the children also receive education up to the 12th grade and/or vocational training that prepares them to be gainfully employed in their adult lives. From a modest beginning in 1995 when it funded support for ten children HELP has grown to supporting more than ninety children by 2003.
- Haji Abdul Majid Trust: Provides primary healthcare for the poor. Their services include managing dispensaries, hospitals and outreach.
- Hope Ministry Centre's mission is to bring hope to orphaned children through education, nutrition, shelter, faith, love, and a clear vision of a bright future.
- ICICI Communities Reach out and help change lives in India.
- Indo-American Community Service Center Formed to enhance and enrich the lives of the Indo-American community and the Community-at-large, by offering a rich Community resource center for Educational, Occupational, Recreational, Cultural and Social experiences, along with Human Care and Health Awareness Referrals and Services.
- Jain Heart Care Foundation Heart Disease treatment and prevention is an expensive proposition and beyond the reach of poor and middle class people. In this regard Jain Heart Care Foundation has dedicated itself since 1999.
- Katha: Literacy, development and translation of regional literature. Targets Women and children in Economically underdeveloped regions.
- Lebenshilfe - A non-profitable organization, in Visakhapatnam, India. Trains the mentally handicapped children to make them useful contributors to the society.
- Maitri- Maitri is a free, confidential, nonprofit organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area, that helps South Asian women facing domestic violence, emotional abuse or family conflict. We provide peer support and referrals to legal help, emergency shelters and counselors.
- Mukti A charitable and socio-economic development trust established in 2003. Mukti is registered under the Government of India Trust Act Section 64. Mukti's mission is to implement programs for the upliftment of the underprivileged, illiterate, poor and backward people of the Sunderban region by way of motivation and human resource development.
- MUKTI India Provides free Upper, Lower Limbs, hands and Calipers to physically challenged people. Its service includes rehabilitation, vocational training and promoting art work of physically challenged people.
- Narikai A Helpline for abused South Asian women.
- Operation-shanti A nonprofit operating programs to help destitute children in Mysore, India.
- Parivaar acts as facilitating organization for small grassroots' success stories working in the field of education that are constrained for funds and advocacy despite proven credentials Parivaar has been registered as full-fledged Non-Profit organization under the Societies Act.
- Samaritans of Kolkata Organization based in Kolkata has been helping out seniors who lives in Kolkata and surroundings whose family members are away, for work related reasons.
- Shankara Eye Foundation: SEF, USA is a U.S. based non-profit organization consisting entirely of volunteers. Our mission is to support our parent organization Sankara Eye Society (SES), in helping the visually impaired, in India and other neighboring countries.
- Saheli: This organization aims to assist women suffering from domestic violence and abuse. Provides emotional support, professional/legal counseling and shelter.
- Spandana: have defined four projects to address all kinds of needs at our native places. Members can initiate any activity under each project and execute at their native place. Members execute projects of their choice. Projects are done by members, not by Spandana.

- Sivananda Saraswathi Sevashram A non-profit N.G.O with the primary objective of protecting orphans, destitute women, the physically handicapped, AIDS-affected children, and the elderly.
- TEAM ( Team for Educational Activities in Motherland) A 100% nonprofit organization helping needy schools and children by providing better opportunities and infrastructure. Already helped more than 225+ schools already and donated more than 100K US dollars. Fully volunteer run organization with ZERO running cost.
- Two Cents of Hope -Two Cents of Hope is a tax-exempt, registered non-profit organization (under section 501(c)(3)) founded by a group of graduate students as a student organization at the North Carolina State University, with a vision of empowering youth by creating opportunities to realize their potential. We help to uplift the weaker sections of the society through the panacea - education.
- Bayarea Action Center of Vibha a volunteer driven non-profit organization working towards the cause of underprevileged children.
- World Links: A DC-based international non-profit organization that specializes in training teachers and students in developing countries in the use of technology to improve teaching and learning.
- Cause an Effect Foundation is a Not-for-Profit organization focusing on Health & Nutrition, Childcare & Education, Sustainable Livelihood, Agriculture, Disability and Animal Care.
- Every time you visit this site, you help feed someone in the world.
- William J. Clinton Foundation "Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative" (CHAI)
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is dedicated to bringing innovations in health and learning to the global community. A New Era in Giving: On June 26, 2006, U.S. investor Warren Buffett announced he would start giving his Berkshire Hathaway fortune to philanthropic causes.
- Infosys Foundation: "Promoted by Infosys Technologies Limited, the Foundation offers the promise of a better tomorrow, through its projects across India."

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